Introducing ULTIRACER

ULTIRACER is a cycling exercise equipment that helps you safely and conveniently ride a real bike indoors.

It is easy to mount your own bike on the ULTIRACER and fix it, so you can actually steer your bike, providing a complete cycling experience that supports direction change depending on the user's control.


ULTIRACER's Platform features allow you to enjoy cycling and playing games at the same time using cycle workout information.

The game linked with the ULTIRACER allows the user to directly control the game's character through cycling while cycling, and provides the pleasure of experiencing dynamic cycle driving and exciting games at the same time.

ULTIRACER Game Content

RealDesignTech develops and provides a variety of dedicated games that can be controlled through indoor cycling with ULTIRACER.

ULTIRACER's Unique Real Cycling Game content provides users with health and pleasure.

4 Main Features

ULTIRACER, 2 Roller Type Model

#1. Safety Clamp

Ensures Safety

  • ULTIRACER's Safety Clamp can be conveniently mounted and detached from a real bicycle, and serves to support the bicycle from falling over.
  • The development of such a safety device is the first in the world.
  • This technology allows you to experience safe, accident-free cycling.
  • If the bicycle that to be attached is a near-circle (oval circle is also possible) cycle frame various frame sizes of general bicycles can be applied

#2. Safety Moving Guide

Provides Flexibility

  • ULTIRACER's Safety Moving Guide serves to assist the user in controlling the bicycle so that the bicycle can actually move left & right.
  • These left & right safe driving guides provide the world's first indoor cycling experience, giving you the same experience as cycling outdoors.
  • The limitation of cycling could be minimized while the left and right movement could be induced.
  • The Safety Guide prevents ULTIRACER users from falling off during cycling.

#3. Horizontal 2 Roller

World's First Stand Alone 2 Cycle Roller

  • Maintain the horizontal level for 2 rollers.
  • Even when the bicycle is fixed with a horizontal level, it allows the front and rear roller with the unified friction and realism during cycling.
  • By using the friction of the front and rear wheel, it is possible to steer the direction with the left and right safety cycling guide.

#4. Cycling Information Integrated Sensor

Enjoy Cycling and Games

  • The Cycling and Direction Data of cycling through the ULTIRACER are collected by an integrated sensor installed in the device.
  • Cycling Information Integrated Sensor's riding information is interlocked with cycling games to provide game manipulation and enjoyment through actual riding speed, mileage, and direction switching signals.

Product Details

ULTIRACER, 2 Roller Type Model

ULTIRACER Body & Clamp




Wheel Base

Possible Weight



Electric Power

:  1500 x 527 x 122mm (L x W x H)

:  987mm (H)

:  2 EA

:  Cycle with 101 ~ 105 cm Wheel Base

:  150 kg (Including Cycle)

:  100 ~ 240V (50 ~ 60Hz)

:  1A Max

:  12 W

Integrated Sensor Board

Micro Controller

MCU Clock




Position Sensor

Speed Sensor

:  SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit ARM MCU

:  48 MHz

:  32 KB

:  Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR

:  UART, UBS, ADC, Ext Interrupt

:  Opto Electonic Distance Sensor

:  Magnetic Proximity Sensor