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ULTIRACER, where anyone can safely enjoy cycling for lifelong exercise every day.

  • People of all ages and genders can easily, quickly, and safely engage in full-body exercise. 
  • Core muscles are activated continuously during the process of maintaining balance.
  • Enhances essential conditions for aging well: muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, vascular elasticity, balance, cognitive ability, and joint function.

Development of Exercise Products Sustainable Until Age 100

Perform Anytime

No Constraints of Climate, Weather, or Time.

Easy to Exercise

No Difficulty in Exercise Preparation.

Quick Execution Time

No Need for Lengthy Exercise Sessions.

Providing Exercise Motivation

Fun, Competition, Rewards

Reasons Why Cycling Exercise is Suitable for Seniors 

Joint Stress 40% Lower Compared to Walking, Strengthening Muscles around the Joints

Joint Protection

Faster Pedaling Than Running Possible

Achieve Maximum Heart Rate Faster and Safely

Improved Cardiovascular Function, Vascular Elasticity, Thigh Muscle Strengthening

Prevention of Various Age-Related Diseases

Simultaneous Strengthening of Core Muscles, Balance, and Cognitive Function

Prevention of Cognitive (Dementia) Impairment and Falls

Development of Exercise Products Sustainable Until Age 100

Perform Anytime

No Constraints of Climate, Weather, or Time.

Easy to Exercise

No Difficulty in Exercise Preparation.

Quick Execution Time

No Need for Lengthy Exercise Sessions.

Providing Exercise Motivation

Fun, Competition, Rewards

Reasons Why Cycling Exercise is Suitable for Seniors 

Joint Stress 40% Lower Compared to Walking, Strengthening Muscles around the Joints

Joint Protection

Improved Cardiovascular Function, Vascular Elasticity, Thigh Muscle Strengthening

Prevention of Various Age-Related Diseases

Faster Pedaling Than Running Possible

Achieve Maximum Heart Rate Faster and Safely

Simultaneous Strengthening of Core Muscles, Balance, and Cognitive Function

Prevention of Cognitive (Dementia) Impairment and Falls